Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Photography as a Business

It's difficult to pursue your passions in life, let alone sharing them with people and believing that you can actually make your living doing what you love. A few semesters ago I went through the book 'The Artist's Way' for a class. It was a wonderful book and helps to gain insight into your passions. In that class I started seriously thinking about photography. Now a few years later I have begun to pursue that passion. One of the points made in the book is that there is a time and place to share your passion. If you share it too early you might not get the response you want and you may severely injure your attitude towards your passion. Recently I have started to take the next steps with photography. It is one of the scariest things I have ever done. It is frightening to put your work out there and hope that people will accept it and like it. There is also a considerable amount of work that you must do to help push your dreams forward. 
The website below has some really good tips for a photographer wanting to take better pictures and hoping to pursue photography as a business. Check it out and follow some of the links around the site to find out more. 
My favorite points made were:
Find what you are passionate about.
Do not stop learning, the moment you stop learning is the day you start to die.
"The successful business person is the one who makes a choice, sets some goals and then gets on with it; working at it until they are successful."
These are some good points for anyone.

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