Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Art Field Trips: Deruda and Cociano

This past week we had a couple of art outings to local towns. Deruda is a city in Italy that has been producing pottery in the mijolica style since the 1200's. It was a great experience to go and see how it's all done and get some shots of the people, process, and products. There are also some shots of our walk up to Corciano for another art outing. 

Chilly day in Deruda brought the group closer together. 

The leader of our tour. 

In the drying room.

Appreciating the drying pottery. 

Nearly ready to have the first layer of glass. 

Explaining the process. 

Soaking in knowledge. 

Outside visit to the pile of clay. 

Finding the Beatles signatures in the guest book. 

Fall in Deruda. 


Caffe Latte in Corciano

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