Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Pay Attention

This article that I stumbled upon was great. It made me think about what makes a good shot. There are the classic rules that you hear all the time- the rule of thirds, curved and sharp lines, bright colors, etc. 
This article made me look deeper. Of course these shots are amazing, they have been recognized for that. 
Some of the shots require special tools such as underwater cameras or housing for the camera, micro-lenses, and other tools to help the camera work in various weather conditions. 
My epiphany that came with this article was that apart from the monetary factors, one needs to open their eyes and pay attention. You can have all of the tools to make a great shot technically, but you can completely lose sight of what is happening in front of your eyes. These photographers have opened their eyes and captured something great that was in front of them. Some happened naturally and others were staged. 
Open your eyes, what's happening in front of you, what great photo opportunities are being missed because we get too busy to pay attention? 

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